Sunday, November 29, 2009

Acting Workshop By Manoj Pahwa At Global Festival Of Films 2009

The well known actor and a performer in feature films like Wanted, Aaloo Chat, Sing Is King, Dhamaal ect. Manoj Pahwa gave acting tips to the students of Asian Academy Of Film And Television and Asian School Of Media Studies on his visit to the 2nd Global Festival of Documentary Films 2009 at Noida Film City.

A special workshop has been planned at Marwah Studios where students had the full privilege to interact and ask questions related to carrier in acting and how to manage the affairs in the Film and TV industry.

“We are happy that this kind of workshop could be planned during Global festival of films, this makes the whole festival more interesting and creative in its nature” said Sandeep Marwah, the president of Marwah Studios, a creative enterprises and the sponsors of Global Festival.

“I am feeling more elevated that I have been given this kind of duty in International event to guide the young group of actors, My relation with Marwah Studios is very long, when I started my carrier at Delhi” said Manoj Pahwa .

Later, the president of the festival Sandeep Marwah honoured Manoj Pahwa with the life membership of International Film And Television Club.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nicolas Sarkozy 'helped' Roman Polanski get bail

The Glitter Dome by Joseph Wambaugh The Glitter Dome by Joseph Wambaugh

The director’s sister-in-law Mathilde Seigner hinted that the leader has been instrumental to the recent development.

“I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it is thanks to the President that Roman has been freed, but he has been super. The President has been very effective,” Times Online quoted her as telling Le Parisien newspaper.

Sarkozy had earlier expressed his views on the director being held on a US warrant for having unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. (via Nicolas Sarkozy ‘helped’ Roman Polanski get bail).

Joseph Wambaugh on Hollywood

For years now, I have been avid reader of Joseph Wambaugh – a policeman turned writer. His comedies, wrapped in (mostly) LA or (sometimes) New York milieu, are in the style of Raymond Chandler under halogen lamp. The darker areas get better light. The chrome glints more. Glamour quotient gets mixed with large doses of warmth and understanding. Unlike Chandler, Wambaugh’s is never judgmental – which make his characters very real.

I read Wambaugh’s Glitter Dome, and twenty years later I remember one of his interesting observations on Hollywood,

Parking, not pussy, is at a premium around these parts, they said.

Wambaugh captures the politics of Hollywood Wambaugh captures the politics of Hollywood in The Glitter Dome By Joseph Wambaugh, page 46 Sarkozy and Polanski are both short ... I wonder ...Sex, Cinema and Fashion

Hollywood, Bollywood (a patronizing name by which Indian film industry calls itself), haute couture businesses have a rather blase attitude about sex. Hence, to hold Hollywood to ordinary behavioural norms, has a puritanical air about it. In the Polanski affaire, the alleged victim, Samantha Geimer, wants the case closed.

But anyway, coming to why this story get me curious, is why did Anand Jon, a haute couture designer such a harsh sentence. Unwilling /semi-willing /actively willing sex in Hollywood /Bollywood /haute couture businesses is what (I have been given to believe is) normal. I mean these days, stars /starlets ‘leak’ sex tapes on the internet.

And no one has ever been seriously prosecuted, convicted and sentenced – as Anand Jon has been!

Where is the balance

I am assuming that Anand Jon is guilty. Is it the first time that models have tried advancing their career by sleeping with designers? Has it not happened before? I wonder what is it that Anand Jon did, which brought down the entire American judicial establishment onto him like ton of bricks. The case of the Sri Lankan Rajarathnam has similar smell to it.

The US prosecuting authority, the Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, alleges that the Galleon Fund made some US$20 million out of this insider trading. I am sure that Galleon Fund (more than US$5 billion in assets under management) spent more than US$20 million on tea, coffee, espresso, soda, Evian and paper napkins. Rajrathnam’s own net worth was estimated by “Forbes” to be US$ 1.3 billion.

Coconut Bharara - Brown outside, White insideIs there any sense, any balance to these cases. Is Preet Bharara, indulging in reverse ‘affirmative action’ by prosecuting Rajarathnam? Is Preet Bharara trying to prove that he is colour blind?

“If you’re a wealthy trader, you aren’t special,” Bloomberg quoted Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as saying at a press conference. “Knock on our door before we come knocking on yours.”

If you ask me, he should investigate Hank Paulson, the Former Treasury Secretary, under whose watch many bankruptcies happened conveniently in favour of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fumetti, libri e film nel giorno dell'anniversario di Mumbai

Anche film, libri, mostre d’arte e fumetti nel primo anniversario degli attentati di Mumbai. Gia’ poche ore dopo la liberazione degli ostaggi nel Taj Mahal hotel da parte delle teste di cuoio indiane, un famoso regista di Bollywood, Gopal Varma, fece un sopralluogo nell’albergo, accompagnato dal primo ministro di allora dello stato, per riprendere le location per un film sugli attentati. La cosa indigno’ gli indiani tanto da convincere il primo ministro del Maharashtra, Vilasrao Deshmuk, a dimettersi e a Varma di abbandonare l’idea del film. Cosa che pero’ non e’ avvenuto per altri registi. Una serie di film sono in uscita in India, tutti coll’unico filo conduttore del sentimento di unita’ del paese, della vittoria sui terroristi pachistani, con esplosioni, sangue e corpi straziati in bella vista. Il richiamo di Bollywood non poteva non essere raccolto dagli altri media che stanno avendo sempre piu’ successo nel paese. E’ ad esempio il caso di ”Operation Mumbai”, un gioco on line nel quale il giocatore deve uccidere, in un tempo determinato, i terroristi. Libri e opere d’arte sono in esplosione a Mumbai e in altre citta’ indiane, mentre e’ stato da poco diffuso anche un fumetto, intitolato ‘26/11′, nel quale 15 terroristi entrano via mare ed un super eroe, Doga, viene preso dai terroristi e poi liberato dalle forze speciali della polizia. In un altro fumetto, ‘Halla Bol’, il super eroe Nagraj entra nello stato vicino ‘Ghuspetistaan’ per distruggere i campi terroristi dopo che questi hanno attaccato i luoghi di Mumbai, che nel fumetto conservano i loro nomi originali. Entrambi i fumetti, venduti a poco meno di un euro, sono andati a ruba ed hanno esaurito le copie stampate, tanto che gli editori stanno pensando di metterli a disposizione su internet o attraverso i cellulari.


कैटरीना हुई बीमार

बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री कैटरीना कैफ फिल्म “दे दना दन” प्रदर्शित होने वाली है लेकिन उसके प्रचार में कैटरीना इतनी व्यस्त रही कि उसे अपने स्वास्थ्य की भी चिंता नहीं, नतीजा यह है कि वह पीलिया की शिकार हो गई है। डाक्टर ने उसकी जांच करके उसे पूरी तरह से आराम करने की सलाह दी है।

सूत्रों के अनुसार वह अपने आप को बेहद कमजोर महसूस कर रही है। बीमार होने पर वह उपनगरीय अस्पताल में गई और लगभग पांच घंटे तक अपना उपचार करवाती रही। कैटरीना की प्रदर्शित हो रही कामेडी फिल्म “दे दना दन” में उसके साथ अक्षय कुमार, सुनील शेट्टी और परेश रावल है। इसका निर्देशन प्रियदर्शन ने किया है। कैटरीना की बीमारी से अक्षय और प्रियदर्शन भी चिंतित हो गये है। कैट के प्रशंसक दुआ करते है कि वह जल्दी स्वस्थ्य हो जाये।


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why MTV can never befriend Indian indie rock

Disclaimer: I write for Thermal And A Quarter. But despite my own leanings, I cannot take seriously any article on the Indian rock music scene that dwells in the era of imitative cover performances, or performances of so-called originals that are so totally “inspired” by popular covers that they are no different from them at all. That stuff is so ten years ago. Maybe twenty. Without any vintage value whatsoever.

The “fascinating article” (by Arjun S Ravi on MTV Iggy) that Cicatrix speaks of in Sepia Mutiny reads like ‘The Best of RSJ (1992-1999), with Notable Exceptions’. It’s all been documented before with elan and sincerity by Amit Saigal. Today, it’s dated. Because it casually ignores a significant slice of Indian rock history — the independent music scene in Bangalore, which was where the really surprising stuff started to emerge from the mothballed closet in the late 1990s. In businesspeak, this era was when Indian rock music sought to “differentiate” itself. Not through marketing strategy (a la Parikrama et al which still have nothing to offer the discerning music fan) but through inventiveness, performance and startling creative energy. Ergo, I am not sure if Ravi’s omission stems from ignorance (which is unforgivable) or from personal bias (which is charlatan).

Thermal And A Quarter, as those who know their Indian indie scene know, began this revolution by playing entire three-hour sets comprising only originals — as early as 1999. No Indian band, repeat, no Indian band (save some in that fantastic cultural pocket — the Northeast) was doing that then. One other band that did it explosively — and I was witness to their memorable show at Madras Christian College’s Deep Woods in 1996 — was (then not-yet-Mumbai’s) Chakraview (with Dhruv Ghanekar on some serious gizmo-led guitar).

Perhaps Ravi also might want to remember that Laila Rouass-starring black-and-white music video, Colourblind, by the Mumbai band of the same name (the duo of Ram Sampath and Siddharth Achrekar). It was a brilliant new statement (very indie) and added a dimension to Indian rock that did not hitherto exist (or last). Sampath (now a composer for films and famous for his copyright victory over the Roshans for copying the music of Krazzy 4) told me off the record when I interviewed him (about Ram Madhvani’s Let’s Talk for in December 2002) that Colourblind “had not been viable”.

Viability has always been the gradient against which Indian indie rock has laboured. Indus Creed, after showing us the light, disappointed us by disbanding and resurfacing again as Alms for Shanti, with an eponymous album that was released both in English and Hindi (Kashmakash, Free Spirit, 2001). Alms for Shanti, with a name that sounded like it had been coined by an armchair Indologist at the University of Hawaii, plays the club circuit in New York where they have established themselves as export-reject exotics. Although singer Uday Benegal cribbed about the sleaze in the music industry as an aside during an interview with in 2002, he also told me this: “We went West because we were disillusioned with the East. Because the music we were doing at that time had absolutely no place here. Not that we were seeking salvation in the West. We wanted to go ahead with the music we make and look for the audience in the West.”

That’s one way to go, but if you know the audience to be here you have to be loyal to it. It must be remembered that around the same time that Alms for Shanti announced their album to a crowd of wine-sipping and tikka-nibbling celebs at a swank Tardeo lounge bar, a lot of bands that had been either influenced by TAAQ or shared the same struggle emerged from Bangalore — Kryptos, Myndsnare, Galeej Gurus, Zebediah Plush… And I am not even talking in any detail about the metal scene (which, being loud enough as it is, deserves an altogether different celebratory writeup amid a full-flowing headbangathon at Styx).

That TAAQ (still an unsigned band) was not from Bollywood-besotted Mumbai or Hindi-mein-gao-yaar Delhi or still-smoking-the-Sixties Kolkata was really what went against them when they started. Or the fact that their music was a leap year ahead of the public imagination — I mean, how many Benadryl-swillers orgasming in the moshpit had actually heard of (let alone heard) Steely Dan and Pat Metheny, or even imagined that they could influence an Indian band’s sound? The few critics of this counterculture — jealous jilted lovers of it mostly — judged the music by a myopic yardstick: the done-to-death genres of metal and dinosaur rock.

With Jupiter Cafe (2002), TAAQ’s second album, Bangalore shot into the limelight. It continued with Plan B (2004), the first album from India to be distributed with a custom Creative Commons-like license. These, inarguably, were milestones in Indian rock. Indie media (Indiecision, Split, RadioVerve… hell, even the un-indie Rolling Stone) acknowledged and celebrated them. MTV, which has always fed off the now happily moribund record industry (recently resuscitated by MJ’s passing) and now mooches off Bollywood to survive in the subcontinent, has no authority to comment on the indie scene. In the two fitful decades of Indian rock, MTV has neither recognised nor supported the indie movement. And to pay lip service to it now, with a limp biscuit such as this, is both embarrassing and shameful.

As the man who named his daughter Moon Unit said: “In the fight between you and the world, back the world.”

Part of this rant was originally posted as a comment on the muchly admired Sepia Mutiny

Photo: TAAQ from the back by SlickThief

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big B Sings With Rashid Khan

After singing for 30 years in films -his first song was recorded for Mr. Natwarlal in 1979 -Amitabh Bachchan has joined vocal forces with a trained and renowned vocalist like Rashid Khan, the singer whom the formidable classical maestro Pandit Bhimsen Joshi had once chosen as his successor.The coming together of India’s most popular actor and part-time singer with the classical maestro happened for the album Sound Of Peace, dedicated to the victims of Mumbai’s 26/11 terrorist attack.

Aadesh Shrivastava who helmed the project, composed its music and is in the process of finalizing a music video featuring the Big B and Rashid Khan, says the Big B simply swam across Sameer’s words of world-peace.

Aamir-Big B to discuss marketing gimmicks

Amitabh Bachchan Bollywood superstar and Aamir Khan, Mr Perfectionist are leaving no stone unturned to promote their upcoming films Paa and 3 Idiots. The two actors will be meeting on Sunday to discuss marketing strategies for both the films.

Paa is set for release on December 4, while 3 Idiots will hit the screens December 25. “Aamir comes over Sunday at my initiative to discuss a few promotional points for our respective films. It is always a joy to meet him… We have always spent time together discussing various topics of common interest and yes films is one of them. Lets see how things go.”

Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, 3 Idiots has been produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The film is based on Chetan Bhagat’s bestseller “Five Point Someone”, it stars R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi and Kareena Kapoor apart from Aamir.

Big B too is promoting Paa, directed by R. Balakrishnan, film stars Abhishek Bachchan and Vidya Balan as Amitabh’s parents. Amitabh Bachchan says, “His fans often come to visit him on Sundays and that he plans to give hand outs autographed by me or maybe by Auro”.

Amitabh added to his statement, “Talks have now been initiated for the premiere to be held in not one, not two, but three centres. And we are diligently working on a London-Dubai-Mumbai destination… The logistics and the mechanics are being worked out and hopefully there will be some news soon.”

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Zoobi Doobi Zoobi Doobi Lyrics - 3 Idiots Lyrics

Hindi Song: Zoobi Doobi Zoobi Doobi
Movie or Album: 3 Idiots (2009)
Singer(s): Shreya Goshal, Sonu Nigam
Music Director(s): Shantanu Moitra
Lyricist(s): Swanand Kirkire

gungunaati hai yeh hawaayein, gungunaata hai gagan
gaa raha hai yeh saara aalam, zoobi doobi parampam
(zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pampaara zoobi doobi parampam
zoobi doobi zoobi doobi naache kyun paagal stupid mann) – (2)
shaakhon pe patte ga rahe hain, phulon pe bhanware ga rahe
deewaani kirane ga rahi hai, yeh panchchhi ga rahe
o o o bagiya mein do phulon ki ho rahi hai guftgu
jaisa filmon mein hota hai ho raha hai hubahu
(zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pampaara zoobi doobi parampam
zoobi doobi zoobi doobi naache kyun paagal stupid mann) – (2)

haan rimjhim rimjhim rimjhim san san san san hawa
tip tip tip tip bunde gurrate bijaliya
bheegi bheegi saari mein yuun thumake lagaati tu
jaisa filmon mein hota hai ho raha hai hubahu
(zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pampaara zoobi doobi parampam
zoobi doobi zoobi doobi naache kyun paagal stupid mann) – (2)

ambar ka chaand jamin par itaraake ga raha
ik tim tim tuta taara aur ithalaake ga raha
hai raatein akeli tanaha mujhe chhu le aake tu
jaisa filmon mein hota hai ho raha hai hubahu
(zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pampaara zoobi doobi parampam
zoobi doobi zoobi doobi naache kyun paagal stupid mann) – (2)
zoobi doobi doobi o doobi paagal stupid mann pamaparara
zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pamapara paagal stupid mann

Click Here for other Lyrics

Aal Izz Well
Zoobi Doobi Zoobi Doobi
Jaane Nahin Denge Tujhe
Give Me Some Sunshine
Behati Hawa Sa Tha Woh

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nessuno vuole i cadaveri dei terroristi di Mumbai

Quasi un anno dopo gli attentati di Mumbai agli alberghi del lungomare, che costarono la vita a piu’ di 170 persone, i corpi dei nove terroristi uccisi durante i giorni di assedio giacciono ancora nella camera mortuaria dell’ospedale di Mumbai, rifiutati da tutti. L’obitorio del J.J. Hospital e’ presidiato 24 ore su 24 e la sala ha la temperatura molto bassa, cosi’ da non permettere la decomposizione dei corpi. Sono li dal 29 novembre dell’anno scorso, quando fini’, dopo tre giorni, l’assedio alla citta’ che convolse due alberghi di lusso, la maggiore stazione ferroviaria, un ospedale e il centro culturale ebraico. In quella occasione, un solo terrorista su dieci sopravvisse ed ora e’ sotto processo, mentre gli altri, dopo gli esami autoptici, furono portati nell’obitorio dell’ospedale dove si trovano ancora oggi. Il governo locale ha inviato diverse richieste a quello pachistano tramite l’ambasciata di Islamabad in India, ma nessuno dal Pakistan ne ha reclamato i corpi, anche se gli indiani avevano indicato con precisione gli indirizzi dei nove. Inutile pensare di inumarli. Il consiglio dei musulmani indiani, ha vietato l’inumazione dei corpi dei nove terroristi nei cimiteri di tutto il paese, dopo aver bollato come ”non musulmani” i terroristi perch’ avrebbero dimostrato di non essere stati veri seguaci dell’Islam. Nessun cimitero musulmano del paese ha accettato i corpi tanto che qualcuno ha avanzato l’ipotesi di gettarli dinanzi al cancello dell’ambasciata pachistana o di gettarli nel mare Arabico. La soluzione e’ difficile, perche’ nessuno vuole urtare i sentimenti degli induisti ne’ quelli dei musulmani e tantomeno creare un incidente con il Pakistan. Da pochi giorni e’ stato eletto il nuovo governo dello stato del Maharashtra, a cui e’ demandata la decisione sul futuro dei nove cadaveri.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Movie Review - Wake Up Sid

Worth Spending thrice on this movie.

This is one of those moviess which has been made into highlight by showing a rich boy who loves to spend his parent’s money. I would say this is one movie i can relate to… In the movie Ranbir was a college student who loved to spend his parent’s money and his mother was always supportive, However.. he never respected his mother nor his father’s effort in building such a big business empire… Now this kind of story line is very common.. But what happens after this is the real part… !!

When he failed in his graduation exam his father Kicks him out of his house and tell him to live on his own and earn for a living… Then he goes to his friend, Konkana Sen. Who was a struggling writer. He could not change himself for sometime as he was used to all the luxery but after some time he realised that he is really good in photography, Which actually was his hobby but he was really good in it.. So konkana helps him in getting a part time assignment and he prooves himself in it and his photo gets published in a Magzine..

Well this was the whole story… What i learnt from this movie was…
” If given an option & chance to persue what you actually like one can make wonders in life ”

I wonder what i actually like doing. Maybe its interacting and connecting with people or just talking or something else. I am still trying to figure it out.

If you have figured it out I would love to hear.. Comment..

( Alt+0169 ) Saurabh Goswami | All Rights Reserved

Postales de Perú

Perú lee esto: 

Por : Sujata Chakrabarti / DNA

Mumbai: Para el ávido viajero y  cineasta documental Glen David Short, la vida está llena de sorpresas. Pero lo que le tomó completamente por sorpresa fue cuando él llegó a la ciudad del  Cusco en Perú, por el camino a las antiguas ruinas de Machu Picchu. Visitando la antigua capital incaica, él descubrió lo que vuelve loca a la gente de  Cusco,  Bollywood.

Geln de  47 años de edad dice, “los jóvenes saben de memoria los diálogos y las canciones de las películas de Bollywood. De hecho, para celebrar acontecimientos locales, hay fiestas con música de  Bollywood,  canciones hindi, bailes y cocina india en abundancia”.

Es un secreto menos conocido de América Latina. Glen dice. “Viajaba  a través de Latinoamérica durante 10 años hasta que vine a Cusco”. Casualmente, Glen quiso hacer una película de 10 minutos, pero finalmente terminó haciendo una de 20 minutos. El título de la película es  ”El Rey de Cusco” (The King of Cusco), ya que  el cineasta explica, “Cualquier joven en Cusco dirá que Shah  Rukh Khan es el Rey de Cusco. Eso es lo que da a entender la ciudad”.

La duración de  la película también incluye entrevistas con los canales de TV locales que son dedicados a la música Bollywood y sus anfitriones. Él dice, ” Estos anfitriones de programas de entrevistas quizás saben más sobre películas  hindi que un Indio neto. “ 

De hecho, la ciudad está tan influenciada por  Bollywood que los  canales de televisión también reparten premios de  Bollywood en los concursos como posters de Shah  Rukh Khan y Katrina Kaif. Glen nos sorprende diciendo, “las niñas se ponen disfraces y bailan  recargados de las melodías de los últimos hits de las películas  hindi”.

Cyrus Dastur, cuyo club de cortos de película estará trasmitiendo  la película pronto, dice, “Algo exótico como las  clases de baile con música de hindi en una ciudad  como Cusco desafía a la  lógica. Pero eso es lo qué las buenas películas hacen”.

 Traducido por Dianaji

DNA India

Una buena noticia para Perú, India está conociendo de la gran pegada que tiene bollywood en en estos lares. Esperemos que pronto la salida de este documental sobre Cusco y su influencia en Bollywood.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jail movie review

You can’t help feeling a tad confined yourself. In the film, replete with repetitive situations and stereotypical characters, you’re waiting for Bhandarkar’s promise of showing us the grimier side of life in a jail. That never really happens.
We, as an audience have seen much better, and in films that don’t claim to show us the jailed life. The few portions set inside a prison in Ek Haseena Thi made your blood curdle, as did the scenes in Teen Deewarein. In Gumrah, when Sridevi’s lover wrongly gets her embroiled in a drug case, you feel her helplessness and fear. In Shawshank Redemption you were immersed in the characters’ lives and valued their bonding.

Madhur Bhandarkar’s Jail is a sanitised version of the above where marketing professional Parag Dixit (Neil Nitin Mukesh) gets mistakenly entangled in a drug trafficking case, enters prison and quickly makes friends with a poet, an astrologer, a don and so on.

The usual clichés abound right from corrupt cops to the uncrowned jailking to the harmless convicts wrongly sentenced. At no point though, you feel for the characters or are interested in their story. The story soon starts the never-ending journey of insensitive lawyers, refusal of bails and getting used to jail life. You desperately want to feel the character’s angst, but his sorrow appears too distant. Perhaps it’s the jail setting that’s too clean to appear plausible.

All we see, as part of Parag’s tribulations in the jail, is sleeping in an overcrowded room and eating bland food. In a place full of twisted characters acquitted of heinous crimes, everyone strangely lives like a happy family and two murderers even tell us their emotional story in flashback. Other characters are picked up from life like a jail inmate who ran down six people after a night of partying and an elderly philanthropist arrested for having links with the Naxalite movement.

We also don’t get a real glimpse of Parag’s family who is serving a sentence of their own. Mother and girlfriend are seen in lawyer chambers or the courtroom or mouthing inane dialogues on meeting Parag. After spending several days in jail and meeting him for the first time, Parag’s mother asks this rather unfit question –beta, tu theek hai na (are you alright, son?). Then on, we see the mother crying dispassionately and the girlfriend, supportive as always, shedding a couple of tears herself. Other bits of unreasonable dialogue happen when the girlfriend asks the poor bloke stuck in a prison – ‘Do you miss me?’

Background music adds to the woes. Bang in the middle of the story, we are subjected to Sayali Bhagat doing a bar dance number.

After heartfelt performances in Johhny Gaddar and New York, Neil Nitin Mukesh gives a below-par rendering of a character that could have been remarkably complex; we rarely connect with the hurt, desperation and rage of his character. We miss Manoj Bajpai’s intensity in his role as Parag’s protective mentor. Supporting cast does all right in the limited scope offered to them.

Jail lacks the realistic bite of other prison films and also falls short of connecting the audience to the character’s angst. The title and writer-director Madhur Bhandarkar’s credentials promise far more than what Jail delivers.

Movie Review: Ajab p…ppp…fff..frame ki ggga…ga…gg..jab Kahani

Beat this – you are walking down the street with your girlfriend, and someone stops you and asks you if you are interested in a trip to Hawaii. All for 50 bucks. You say yes, very eagerly so. The dude then points you to the latest brand of Hawaii chappal. All for 50 bucks. That’s what Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani Is.

It’s  A-JAB to break your FRAME.  APKGK is A movie that Santoshi made PK .

I had walked into the theater with high hopes, expecting to see a movie which was going to be different (these guys have also come up with APKGK comics as well, hum-tum style). The theater was housefull. India had just lost a match despite a thunderous innings from Sachin while chasing 351. The mood was somber, and a good light hearted comedy could have just been the right solution. But alas – Indian film-makers are rapists. They try to get you in a corner and rape you.  Of your sensibilities, money, and worst of all, your sense of humor.

The movie starts with a random Lord Hastings’ (or some Lord from Brit Era) mannequin harassing a dumb reporter looking for an “Ajab” story in this unnamed place, where nobody is to be seen. I knew that it’s likely going all downhill from here. But I had paid 300 bucks, and I had liked some of the songs. And I knew that Katrina Kaif was yet to come. At least there will be some visual delight in the movie.  That’s what I meant by cornering the unsuspecting audience like me.

After introducing an extremely over the top Ranbir Kapoor who has no idea why the bloody character of Prem was created in the first place, they introduce a “talking” Katz. C’mon, give me a break. Who pays money to hear Katz talk. She is supposed to walk in, look good, wear good dresses, smile a little, mumble some innocuous things, and dance, and make merry and leave. I would like to believe that Biwi is also usually happy to see Katz, for she might get some good dress, pumps and boot ideas.  But Santoshi does the unthinkable. She wants Katz to act. So here she is, stammering when she is upset, trying to act out of her skin. Totally justifying the salary she might be getting, she gets emotional, defends a set of mean foster parents, goes around town with Frame (that’s what it sounds like when Jenny calls out for Prem), and in the whole process, disappoints us beyond redemption. Sometimes, I wonder if the stammer-when-I-am-upset track was introduced simply to cover for Katz’s exquisity dialogue delivery.

Prem hangs out perennially with his friends, helping other people elope with their lovers. Not doing anything worthwhile, he runs happy club, which has no members, apparently. People come to play carrom, TT, etc. to happy club. And Prem is the smartest cookie in town, who is 9th fail, and he also stammers when upset. The character is so over the top that in one scene he actually falls from the top of a cliff, bicycle and thief asunder. The same thief vows revenge, and later becomes Don bhai, but the director forgets to remind him of his earlier reason of anger with Frame.  And so, they indulge in Priyadarshan style mindless fight scene where everyone is hitting everyone.

To be honest, I don’t have anything against Ranbir. I liked him in the bad movie Bachna Ae Haseeno, as well as the good movie “wake up sid”. I think the dood has potential if he can get over his doped look. But he is like Yuvraj Singh right now. Got sweet timing does not mean you can hit every ball outta the park. The characterization of frame is all over the place. In one shot, he is good for nothing. In another, he makes more than 5k per month just working as a halwai shop assistant. He walks to the halwai shop in a tie and shirt. Indian halwais sure are sure going places.

The worst though is reserved for a so-called special appearance from “Upen Patel”. Remember the UK return patel duuuude, who has acted in several movies as the sidekick now (like 36 China Town, Namastey London, etc.). His accent in the movie is thicker than waddi glass of lassi from Punjab, and surely thicker than Katz’s accent. He is a dude who is ready to settle down in Frankfurt and buy a Ferrai for Katz (Jenny). Frankfurt-Ferrari-Ferrari-Frankfurt.. you know.. the works… yeah yeah.. And buys a 1.5 Crore necklace for Jenny. And Jenny leaves him still. It’s got to be his extremely amazing histrionic skills that embarrassed Katz. How can I be seen with someone who looks like a patchwork and acts worse than Sunil Shetty in Balwan!!!

There are some saving graces – the best scenes of the movie are reserved for baap-beta interactions between Ranbir and Darshan Zariwala. Even though an extremely loud and hamming performance, Darshan still manages to deliver a few really funny ones.  Smita Jaykar as the mother is absolutely wonderful, especially in the scene where she is trying to stop Darshan from going to the bathroom because Katz is already in there. There is one scene where Ranbir comes with Jenny to a dance party. Slightly OTT, but Ranbir is fabulous in that scene.

The songs are good. But usually misplaced. In one song (kaise batayein), you almost get a feeling that it’s a Diamond ad. Not my company Diamond, but like a real Diamond. The kinds where actresses are wearing blank long dresses, and the brightness is artificially low, so that the glitter of the diamond is for everyone to see. Remember? Yeah, that kinds.  In another song, the whole city dances singing “Prem ki naiya hai ram ke bharose”. Yep. And it seems Allah Meherbaan to Gadha Pehelwaan. Nikhat Kazmi finds the movie to be worth four bloody stars. And I am sure there are others in his (or her?) ilk, who will find the movie adorable because Ranbir and Katz just look gorgeous on the screen.  Or, something like that.

In Masand style – I will go in with 1 star for this one, since it’s a bad movie, with a bad story, with bad characterizations, supported by bad acting and bad direction and  bad editing. The one star is for good songs, Smita Jaykar, and the Turkey shots in Kaise Batayein (given my recent trip to Turkey, I have an attachment to the place).


p.s. Turkey shots? ahem ahem… i am trying to imagine what it would be like to take turkey shots!! quite disturbing i guess!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Simplicity Lost

Size Zero craze, bikinis, six pack abs, flexible dancing skills,Fast bikes chasing one another, cars being blown up for fight sequences (even songs) , actors doing theie own stunts, getting tattoo’s… Bollywood sure has come a long way from the days of what one would call – Simple Cinema.Gone are the days when we hummed the tunes of movies like Chupke Chupke, Choti Si Baat, Khatta Meetha, or what Kishore Da or Rafi saab popularized during those days, copied hairstyles of actors/actresses, paying 2 rupee for a ticket for a balsony seat,…etc.

I Still remember Vidya Sinha’s Girl Next Door looks from Rajni Gandha and Choti si baat and Jaya Bachchan’s perkiness from films like Guddi and Mili, Rekha’s beauty Sharmila Tagore’s dimples, Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra’s all round skills in comedy,drama,action and romance, Sanjeev Kapoor mesmerizing acting skills, comic skills of Mehmood Saab, Rajndenaath,Johnny Walker, directorial classics by Raj Kapoor, Hrishikesh Mukherjee, Manmohan Desai, etc.

The 80’s and 90’s were still bearable with Madhuri Dixit, Sridevi, Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Shah Rukh Khan,Salman Khan providing good entertainment to the masses but today seeing actors above 40 years of age romancing girls the age of their daughter or running to the gym for a dreamy body with six pack abs is sheer stupidity.

Comparing it with todays Filmy World of Kareena Kapoor’s size zero fetish, Lara Dutta’s Bikini, Hrithik Roshan’s six pack, Aamir Khan’s changing hairstyles in Dil Chata Hai or Ghajini, Rajpal Yadav’s cheap comedy and undigestable directorial skills of some of todays directors makes me SICK TO THE STOMACH!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

London Dreams (2009)

Cast : Ajay Devgan, Salman Khan
Director : Vipul Shah
Running Time : 2 Hours 20 minutes
Rating : 2 out of 4
Release Date : October 30, 2009

Two best friends, Arjun and Manu. Arjun ends up in London, chasing his dreams (so the title London Dreams), while Mannu stays back in his Punjab village and is pretty much responsible for every girl in the village becoming a woman. Well, Mannu really does not have a career plan in place, Arjun does. He wants to become a pop start equivalent to Michael Jackson, and goes about it with complete focus. He grabs attention of music producers, gives auditions, builds a band and eventually he is on the brink of reaching his goal (to perform at Wembley Stadium).

However, his best friend, who is air-lifted to London, suddenly pole vaults to the position of a rock star, something which Arjun always wanted to be. This pisses off Arjun big time. I mean, Mannu just bypassed the whole system and reached the top, like that! The dilemma for Arjun is, Mannu is his best friend, but he is in his way to his dreams. What does he do? Answer : Personal goals are more important than friendship. Sabotage.

If the movie was just about how Arjun handles the situation, this would have been a fantastic movie. However, an excellent story is ruined forever by the addition of Priya (Asin Thottumkal). Since, every Bollywood movie needs a love story, a love triangle is forced into the script. This means, every now and then the story picks up pace, you have to bear some faltu romantic, drama scenes with songs, which have nothing to do with the main theme of the movie. I promise you, if you just edit out all the scenes with Priya in it or the scenes which reference is made to her, it will just make this movie that much better. Also, Ajay and Salman give good performances, but please. This is a movie about rock stars. Both the leads are in good shape, but that won’t stop them from looking in their 40s. I read somewhere that, this movie was written keeping Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachan in mind. Now, that would have been much, much better.

All said and done, I loved the second half. Arjun’s dilemma and his helplessness at the situation makes you go back to school/college where you had your close friend who was much better than you, and how you would burn in jealousy and can’t do anything about it. Fantastic acting by Salman and Ajay.

Oh! another thing. Arjun keeps asking God, why is Mannu so much better than him, even though it was he who worked hard all his life. I think the answer is simple. Mannu has a ‘free’ lifestyle, where as Arjun is probably a virgin. Guess, that explains why he is not as good as Mannu.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Prepárese para ver a los grandes

Imáginese esto…

3 IDIOTS el 25  Diciembre.
KITES el 15 de Enero.
VEER el  29  Enero.
MY NAME IS KHAN el 12 Febrero.


Cuatro grandes, estelarizado por Aamir, Hrithik, Salman y  SRK, respectivamente, llegarán dentro de un espacio de dos meses. La pregunta es,   ¿bajarán el costo  las películas de presupuesto medio  para conseguir  la exposición correcta en los  cineplexes? ¿O se pondrán ellos al margen debido a estas empresas colosales? 

A propósito, Farhan Akhtar y  Ritesh Sidhwani confirmaron que  KARTHIK CALLING KARTHIK se estrenaría el 12 de Febrero, con la condición que MY NAME IS KHAN no elegiría esa fecha. Cuando Karan [Johar] confirmó que MY NAME IS KHAN se estrenaría el 12 de Febrero, inmediatamente tomé una llamada para cambiar KARTHIK CALLING KARTHIK a una fecha despúes. Mi película ahora llegará el 26 de febrero, ” Ritesh me informa. 

Sin embargo, uno más criticamente esperado para el 12 de Febrero es la película de Ambika Hinduja,  TEEN PATTI. Va a esto atenerse a aquella fecha o llegará más tarde,  se espera confirmar.

Traducido por Dianaji

Bollywood Hungama

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Shah Rukh Khan!

Chauaalis (44) saal pehle 2nd November ko hua ek Chamatkar. Josh ke saath aayaa is duniya mein ek Baadshah ye kehte hue ki Main Hoon Naa! Us Baazigar ke Dil Se barasne lagi Mohabbatein. Swades aur Pardes mein logon ka is par Dil To Pagal Hai. Sirf main hi nahin iska Deewana, is Bollywood ke Don ka to hai Zamana Deewana.

Very Happy Birthday to my most favorite actor and a wonderful human being!